
Fine handmade books, albums, boxes, and more...
bringing beauty & distinction to life's personal & professional collections.

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Azalea Bindery Collections

Azalea Bindery Collections are created for you by Mary Carol Koester, bookbinder and paper marbler, in beautiful Asheville, NC.  The heirloom pieces are made with silk, linen, goat and calf skin, fine text papers, and hand marbled papers.  The collection includes a selection of journals, guest books, photo albums, photo frames, note pads, and keepsake boxes.  If you see a design you’d like to personalize, please consider contacting us for a custom piece made to your specifications.

Azalea Bindery Collections Make Thoughtful Gifts

Azalea Bindery created this collection for you and for those you care about.  If you or someone you love keeps a journal, loves writing in note pads, takes lots of pictures and needs photo frames and albums, or would treasure a beautiful handmade box, please have a look at our offerings. Beautiful handmade gifts make others feel special because your gift shows you value their ideas and creative instincts.  Each journal, guest book, photo album, photo frame, note pad, or keepsake box is as unique as each person in your life.  And, handmade craft is a always a celebration of our history, our contemporary lives and our living culture.

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